All agents are required to submit insurance online and must be registered as an authorized insurance agent in the UIIA system. Please note that ÐÔÊӽ紫ý will no longer accept mailed copies of insurance documents effective October 5, 2020.
An online ACORD 22 Certificate of Insurance containing the following information and limits () Note that all limits for Equipment Providers outlined in these instructions are shown in US Funds. If providing limits in Canadian Funds they should be equivalent to the limits shown in US Funds.
Insurance Requirements for UIIA Participation
A commercial general liability policy with a limit of $1 million per occurrence of which no portion can be self-insured.
See list of for General Liability that require to be listed as additional insured on this policy.
A commercial auto liability policy with a combined single limit (CSL) of $1 million.
Auto policy must be marked as either an "Any Auto," "Scheduled and Hired" or "All Owned and Hired" policy. An "All Owned" or "Scheduled Only" auto policy is not acceptable.
If a Motor Carrier company is self-insured, please have them contact the UIIA office to obtain details of what information is required.
All UIIA EPs that your insured does business with are required to be listed as additional insured on auto liability.
for specific instructions relating to auto liability.
The majority of UIIA EPs require some type of cargo coverage. The limit per vehicle and deductibles vary by EP. (See for specific limit requirements.)
for specific instructions relating to cargo coverage required by some Equipment Providers under the UIIA.
Trailer Interchange insurance covers the physical damage to the non-owned equipment while in the Motor Carrier’s care, custody and/or control. It must cover comprehensive and collision as well as fire and theft.
Most UIIA EPs require some type of trailer interchange coverage. The limits and deductibles allow vary by EP. (See for specific limit requirements.)
for specific instructions relating to trailer interchange coverage required by some UIIA Equipment Providers.
Some UIIA EPs require Workers Compensation with statutory limits. In addition, some UIIA EPs also require Employer’s Liability coverage as well. See for specific requirements.
for specific instructions relating to workers compensation and employer's liability coverage required by some UIIA Equipment Providers.
This is a hold harmless endorsement that must be made part of the auto liability policy.
Any one of the below endorsements is acceptable, but the most current version must be used.
On the ACORD 22 certificate of insurance, the agent must check the box next to the language under the description of operations confirming this endorsement is part of the auto policy.
UIIA EPs that your insured does business with will need to be listed as an additional insured on the appropriate policies.
, can be utilized as a reference list when providing additional insured information to the UIIA office.
On the ACORD 22 certificate, agents must check the box under the description of operations confirming the equipment providers checked on the EP Checklist in the system are additional insured on the appropriate policies.
Insurance agents that wish to provide blanket additional insured wording may do so by checking the appropriate blanket additional insured boxes on the online ACORD form. Specific wording may be included on the ACORD 101 form if applicable. Form 5A in the shows acceptable wording for blanket additional insured coverage.
Umbrella policies provided on the ACORD 22 Certificate of Insurance should specify what policies the umbrella coverage is over. If this is not specified, the umbrella policy will not be applied to your insured’s account.
Agents should provide the NAIC Numbers for each policy being submitted on the ACORD 22 Certificate of Insurance.
NAIC Numbers can be obtained from the "Best Key Rating Guide." The rating of the insurance company should be provided as well.
Note: Agents submitting insurance online to the UIIA on or after June 3rd will be required to enter the NAIC Number, AM Best Rating and Effective Date of AM Best Rating for each insurance company they enter on the ACORD 22 Certificate of Insurance.
All applicable exclusionary endorsements that result in limiting or restricting the policies being provided should be included and noted on the ACORD 101 form when the certificate of insurance is submitted.
Section F.6. of the UIIA requires that the Motor Carrier’s insurance policies provide a thirty (30) day advance notice of any cancellation of the policy unless the cancellation is a result of non-payment, in which ten (10) days notification is required. This is a contractual obligation of your insured as a signatory to the UIIA, so insurance information provided to the UIIA must be endorsed to provide such coverage.
Only ONE certificate of insurance with the information listed above needs to be submitted to the UIIA online. The certificate holder will be listed as:
11785 Beltsville Drive, Suite 1100
Calverton, MD 20705-4048
We DO NOT need separate certificates to be submitted for each Equipment Provider.
The UIIA system is setup to expire insurance policies at 12:01 a.m. of the day of the expiration date which often causes confusion with the Motor Carriers thinking they have coverage until 11:59 p.m. on the expiration date, but in fact the policy expires on the first minute of that day. Therefore, Motor Carriers need to have their insurance agent update their insurance renewals on our website prior to the expiration date.
In addition, insurance agents should ensure that the effective date of a policy is concurrent with the expiration date of the policy expiring so that there is no lapse between the expiring and renewal/new policy. (e.g., A policy that expires 2/1/2016 should have a renewal policy with effective date of 2/1/2016, not 2/2/2016.)